by Dr. Ella Davis
Scrapbooking Image
Book Image
This publication will also benefit the following:
Foster parents
Social workers
High school students
High school graduates
College students
College graduates
University professors
Probation officers
Parole officers
Radio hosts
Home economists
Directors of group homes
Directors of church organizations
Directors of youth organizations
Directors of adult education classes
Talk show hosts
Boys and Girls clubs
The inspiration for this publication came to Davis after a long day. She heard the sweet voice of Jesus whisper, “Be A Success.” She thought to herself, “What does this mean?” As a way of visualizing this intention, Davis made a poster which declared, “Be A Success,” and she placed it on her wall. As time passed, God led her toward what she was to do with the words, “Be A Success.” Ella commented, “Sometimes God gives you part of what you are to do in life and fills in the rest as time passes.”This book is for all adults ranging from age 18 to 65 and over. Professionals can benefit from the book, including educators, law enforcement, media, church groups, health care, and social service professionals. The publication provides information about each phase of adult development beginning with leaving home, to retirement.
Included in the book are biographies of five successful people from Louisiana where Ella resides. Davis feels blessed for the opportunity to have written the biographies of these inspirational individuals. While this book focuses on the biographies of successful Louisianans, Davis believes we should look at the successful people that surround us, and she encourages you to look for any opportunity to speak with people about their life experiences.
Along with being a great source for obtaining information about adult development, this is the only book of its kind that allows you to create a personalized photo album of your accomplishments. Be A Success contains cut-outs to be implemented into your personalized photo album. This personalized photo album can be passed from generation-to-generation. It will be treasured as a keepsake for the family.
Be A Success discusses the seven phases of adult life experience; those phases of adulthood are classified as follows:
Leaving Home – Ages 18-22
Moving into the Adult World – Ages 23-28
Searching for Stability – Ages 29-34
Becoming One’s Own Person – Ages 37-42
Settling Down – Ages 45-55
The Mellowing – Ages 57-64
Life Review – Age 65 +
Each phase tackles these categories:
- Psychic Tasks (What adults need to learn at each phase)
- Characteristic Stance (How adults learn)
- Marker Events (Suggested activities for specific ages as tools to be successful later in life) (“Life-Cycle,” 173)
The themes in Be A Success can be implemented in many social and cultural elements of society. Examples of those life experiences are as follows:
When a young person leaves home to go to college to “Be A Success.”
When ministers, youth directors, and those working in the church counsel or plan programs for young adults, they are encouraging them to “Be A Success.”
When psychiatrists, psychologists, and counselors analyze a patient’s history, and try to help him or her improve their present situation, the professional is saying, “I’m trying to help you be successful.”
When judges give probation instead of incarceration and allow adults to be under the supervision of a probation officer, judges are giving adults a chance to “Be A Success.”
When educators spend countless hours teaching and molding students to do their best, educators are saying, “I’ll go beyond the call of duty because I want each one of you to ‘Be A Success’.”
When the media covers stories on youth accomplishments, whether academic or athletic, the media is saying, “We want to highlight your success so that others can be motivated to ‘Be A Success’.”
“This booklet was written so that students and adult learners would be aware of important tasks they should try to accomplish during certain periods of their adult lives. When you walk across the stage at graduation, or decide to leave home to be on your own, this book will offer suggestions to help you Be A Success and glorify God.” – Dr. Ella Davis
Purchase your copy of Be A Success today!
ISBN: 1-888-65-1 Davis Publishing Company
Price: $20.00